An Extraordinary Physician

For Your Extraordinary Path

Our Services

Individualized Holistic Mental Health Care

Currently serving clients in states of CA, PA, MO, KS, SC, LA, DC

through Telehealth Video Calls

  • Dr. Young’s model of care is patient centered and holistic—a model that is optimal for the best outcome and the greatest patient satisfaction.

  • Starting from Day 1, Dr. Young will accomplish the following objectives:

    • Accurately identify the root cause of mental health symptoms within the first session

    • Delineate a path to mental health wellness through research backed methods and customized care

    • Construct an individualized cure plan out of all available evidence based treatments such as

      • Psychotherapy (e.g. psychodynamic, cognitive-behavioral therapy, trauma-focused therapy, ACT)

      • Mindfulness activities (e.g. mindfulness skills, yoga, breathing exercise, journaling)

      • Non-pharmacological devices and modalities (e.g. light therapy, Alpha-Stim®, breathing exercise device)

      • Non-pharmacological supplements, herbals and teas (e.g. L-theanine, Mg, Omega-3 fatty acids, Ashwagandha)

      • Lifestyle treatments and exercises (e.g. physical exercise regimen, diet modification, sleep therapy)

      • Spiritual engagement (e.g. discovering purpose and meaning in life, prayer, meditation, spiritual exploration)

      • Pharmacological agents (if desired by the client and deemed clinically appropriate by Dr. Young)

      • And still more!

  • If you would like to find out more, please book a free discovery call with Dr. Young.

In order to maximize the quality of care and remove any third-party interference, Dr. Young does not work with any insurance.